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We are a threesome with room to expand. The third intimate member on our team is
There are probably many couples who seek to include God in their relationship.
What is different with us is that we followed God's call to leave commercial society and walk with him/her as pilgrims in total dependence God. Therefore we get to know him/her quite differently than most people do.
And another thing which is a bit unusual about us is the "room to expand."
We, David and Shekinah, have been together since 1980. We raised four children together, and by now we have six grandchildren. We are very grateful indeed for each other and that we share the same desire of consecration to God. During our time of pilgrimage we have grown even closer to each other. God knows how much we love each other; but we do not consider the other our private property.

We do feel it is God’s desire that human beings learn to love each other so deeply, that they do not need any kind of rigid law any more, except love being the only rule and standard to evaluate behavior; and in our opinion that includes marriage laws.
So many people today have the desire to show their love to more than one person, also sexually, and they feel hampered by society's and religion's present mores and often hypocritical ethics.

In today's Western Christian, humanistic culture, faithfulness in a relationship is usually defined as loving only one person intimately. But to us faithfulness in a relationship is not synonymous with a possessive and exclusive claim, but rather it means not stopping to love a person.

We, David and Shekinah, love each other very much and therefore, in open and honest communication, allow each other to love another person or persons intimately .
During our life together, we have lived in greater marriages a number of times.

In living in a communal marriage, there are more factors involved than just the people within the expanded marriage living harmoniously together. Communal marriage is controversial.
To live in a communal marriage and to be open about it towards the general public takes tremendous spiritual strength, because the present society ostracizes and maligns those who live in such relationships. Therefore living communal marriage in all its consequence is, along with all the joy of togetherness it brings, a great sacrifice and a challenging opportunity to learn to become more like Jesus, who sacrificed his reputation and his life for his controversial message.                            
Learning to develop our capacity to love, to overcome jealousy and selfishness have been challenges in our expanded marriages, but also wonderful lessons and good practice in learning to be a citizen of the new society of Love in which all strive to be as loving as God is. 

We look back with thankfulness to the times and
seasons when we did live in relationships of
communal marriage. We are grateful for the beauty
of harmony and togetherness which we did
experience while we were together, and know
that by having lived in this way we had the
privilege to learn about unconditional love in
this special way.

Drawing of dears: While we were singing some of our songs and talking to a group of art students  about our life, message and also about this subject in a college in Milano, Italy, 2013, one of the students was inspired to draw this picture for us.
See also poem
"Love without Limits"
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