We do not have plans to settle down
as long as the present commercial
system is still in place.
There is a new society existing right
now, of whom all those who leave commercial society to walk with God are part. The New Society of Love is not centered around property ownership or the possession of anything material. It is centered around the personal relationship of individuals with God and with each other.
In order to grow in spiritual strength to be fit citizens of this new society we cannot settle within the present commercial system, in any fixed physical place. Our settling must be in God, within his spirit.

During our pilgrimage quite a few people have offered us to stay at their place for a longer time and we have appreciated a time of rest and recuperating from constant travel. Sometimes staying a bit longer in one place has made it easier to work on some practical things such as making a new backpack, or weaving the cloth for our tunics, or working on some audio recordings of our songs and working on this web-site.
Yet we noticed that if we stay too long in one place that the strength of our connection with the spirit of God begins to dwindle, who is calling us to keep moving to learn more about people in other regions and to continue sharing all that we have been privileged to receive.
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Are you planning
to settle down again some time?