Inside of the towns in the course of our days we do walk quite a lot, but to get from one town to the next it has become rare that we go on foot, since we prefer to have more time available to communicate with people.
We have no set ways but seek God's guidance for every move.
Sometimes we hitchhike, or we take public transport. In these last years on the road it happened many times that a transport company or a driver himself has given us a free ride, or a private person we met bought us some tickets.
At times, when we did have some money on us we have also paid for tickets. As mentioned above, when we felt led to do so, we have occasionally asked people for a contribution towards some tickets.
Whenever God has been showing us that it was time to move to another place, which at times meant crossing an ocean or in some other way cover a large distance, God has always in one way or another opened the door for us to get to that place.
Our backpacks by the road, on a
day of hitchhiking, May 2013
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