By Shekinah

The name Shekinah comes from a Hebrew word which means something like "dwelling place" or "co-habiting". It was traditionally the name of a light appearance which, according to the descriptions in the Bible, accompanied the Israelites under Moses in their 40 years of nomadic wanderings in the desert after their escape from slavery in Egypt. The light appearance represented the presence of the spirit of God, the "dwelling place" of the spirit of God or God's spirit "co-habiting" with man.
I think that Shekinah is one of the titles of the female entity of God.
Our pilgrimage was such a drastic and profound change in our way of life, that I felt like adopting a new name. In my meditation time I got the impression that God would like for me to take the name Shekinah.
At first I struggled with the thought that adopting this name would be presumptuous, but God reminded me that many parents worldwide give their child a name, which pictures a certain character trait or personality in their aspiration that the child will have or grow into such a trait.
It is my aspiration, my heart's desire, to be a dwelling place for the spirit of God.
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The Name Shekinah