Most nights we stay with kind people who invite us. Sometimes it happens that someone pays for a lodging and occasionally we  have paid for it ourselves when we had the money for it.  Once in a while we were put up in a hotel for free by the owner. Many times in the course of our explaining our way of life we are freely offered a place for the night, other times we ask.
Sometimes we sleep outside. In a city it is not so easy to not have a safe place to sleep during the night. This happens only rarely.
We have come to understand, that everything that happens to us is for a purpose and for our learning. Wherever we are, God is right there with us, like when we slept in the street with the homeless in Buenos Aires, in Rio or in Rome.
God explained to us that our willingness to go through such experiences earned us the right to speak with the voice of the poor and despised.

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Where do you sleep?