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To be autonomous means in the strict sense of the word to live under one's own law.
I look up to the example of Jesus very much who developed an understanding of a rule of total love, which he lived and tried to impart to his disciples. His rule of love was so revolutionary that Christianity has not really understood it to this very day. He indicated that whatever rules his disciples would make for themselves should be relative to love, and nothing else. That left them with the total freedom and challenge of love to live up to. I want to live that way.


The word autarchy comes from classical Greek and simply translated means self-sufficiency or self-achievement.
In view of the commercial society's exploitation, waste, pollution and coercion, a growing number of people strive for some form or level of autarchy by producing their own food and other necessities of life. Some create neighborhood circles of amicable exchange of services and goods.
I can certainly appreciate such efforts, yet I personally feel called and have chosen to be a full time pilgrim-activist.
Not settling down and not providing our own means of survival keeps David and me depending on God for our daily needs, and it makes it possible for us to go wherever we feel led to go in our learning and activism to speak with, inspire and help motivate the people in public places and in people's homes, meeting those we are meant to meet.
Making our own clothes, shoes and bags is an aspect of physical autarchy, which David and I are able to maintain on the road as pilgrims. Among other reasons it helps serve as a statement that we are against exploitive and wasteful consumerism.
(See also "Why are you dressed this way?")
I think I can say that I have spiritual autarchy in that I take time to meditate about and form my own opinions and attitudes. I try to inform myself from alternative sources, especially on controversial subjects. I try to stay open to new ideas and views presented to me, yet I ponder carefully, what to adopt, adapt or reject.

By David:
Sovereignty is the right to rule ourselves, without interference of any outside party. The King of a nation used to be viewed as sovereign, or an independent government of a nation.
Today, because of the international finance system, no political government is truly sovereign anymore.
Jesus, according to what is written about him, did not refuse to be called a King, a sovereign. He did redefine though what to be a King meant to him: to be everyone's servant. Jesus indirectly presented a vision of turning the present social order of humanity right side up, a social system where love is authority, not violence and coercion. Jesus left the materialistic system and practiced sovereign rule over his spirit, his attitudes, his actions towards people and his reactions to them. No matter what anyone would do to him, he developed the strength that his reaction and actions were those of love, truth and right. I want to develop that strength. I am still learning, but I have entered the school of being a pilgrim, the same school of life which Jesus is recorded to have attended.
Autonomy, Autarchy and Sovereignty