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The New Society of Love is already here.
In our pilgrimage we already live in a New Society of Love right now. We share the love and truth God has given us, and the people around us share with us what they have.

We walk with God the way Jesus did, outside of the present commercial society, we have become basic building blocks of a New Society of Love, right here and now.
Material possessions and land are not the basis of the New Society of Love. We feel that the New Society starts with People relating to God and to one another.

We are learning to have sovereign rule over our own spirit. We are not tied to the commercial society through ownership of land, or rental contracts, or distractions of ownership of other private property.
Sovereignty over our own spirit means to us that we are not ruled by fear and not submitting to any dictates of attitude, but that we let God's love guide our spirit, as we walk with him/her outside of the commercial system of man.
The New Society of Love