By Shekinah:

We do not define ourselves as Christians. We have not only left the Christian institutions, which all work with and within the commercial society; we have also left behind Christian doctrines, which serve to make of Christians submissive, privatized members of the commercial society.
Instead we have been and still are developing our own spirituality issue by issue.
According to the records in the Gospels Jesus lived and taught consecration to God by stopping to work for one’s own support, forsaking possessions and becoming a truth-speaking pilgrim with no residence, trusting God for one's daily needs.
Sad to say already the early Christians with only few exceptions left off living this complete dependence on God.
Following Jesus’ example of consecration to a life outside of the commercial society was and is of course completely voluntary, but when the leadership of early Christianity left off living this consecration, already soon after the death of Jesus, it opened the door for doctrines and practices to become the accepted standard which caused Christians to never even question their continuing to live within the commercial system.
Jesus is recorded to have said that living the whole of his radical message would lead his followers into understanding the truth and would set them free.
Although some aspects of the beautiful spirit and personality of Jesus are still recognized and can be discovered within Christianity, in my opinion it was primarily the rejection of the drop-out and activist message of Jesus, which led to Christianity's corruption, loss of freedom and loss of understanding of the truth. Christianity today for the most part has turned to worshipping Jesus like a super-star and treating him like Father Christmas rather than a role model.
Yes, like many Christians and non-Christians I also think that Jesus is wonderful, and I have personally experienced the comfort and marvelous help that can be found in the love energy of Jesus, but I am convinced that the Society of Love and Justice can only be built by people who not only look to God for personal comfort and profit, but rather people who are willing and determined to be activists for and learn to be members of a society of love and justice right here and now.
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