Both of us were born in Germany, but we see ourselves as part of the Global People of Love, an identity, which is independent from passport nationality.
Living what we interpret to be the freedom message of Jesus has led us out of Christianity.
We do not consider ourselves to be religious; neither do we perceive God as a religious entity, but we have a personal love relationship with God and look to him/her for guidance.
We have given up our security in the present commercial society and have chosen to rather trust God for every meal, for every place to stay at night, for transport, for our health and protection.
We each have a backpack, some basic clothes and a few other things things we need for our pilgrim life. Most of the time we have had one or two guitars. Apart from that we have no personal possessions.
We are not members of any kind of man-made organization, religious or secular;
and we do not give our time and strength to the commercial society, which, because of greed, exploits the poor and destroys the earth.
We share our observations and opinions publicly in the city centers.
Speaking controversial truth and not conforming to commercial society helps us grow in spiritual strength and develop our relationship with God.
We experience God in the miracles that happen to us, in the way we receive guidance, understanding, protection and the supply of our daily needs.
We make an effort to formulate, what we feel is right and true, and we update our statements concerning our views as we continue to grow in understanding.
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Hello everyone,
We are David and Shekinah.
We are Pilgrims of Freedom.
Since 2005 we have traveled in 72 countries on 5 continents.
We don't work for money or our keep, have no savings and no residence.
Who we are